Ploughman by Patrick Kavanaugh문학의 글 2024. 7. 16. 18:12
Ploughman by Patrick Kavanaugh
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밭가는 사람
I turn the lea=green down
Gaily now,
And paint the meadow brown
With my plough
나는 들판 초록을 엎는다
그리고 들판을 갈색으로 칠한다
나의 쟁기를 가지고
I dream with silvery gull
And brazen crow
A thing that is beautiful
I may know
This line, “I dream with silvery gull and brazen crow,” is rich with imagery and symbolism. Let’s break it down:
- “Silvery gull”:
- Gulls are often associated with freedom, the sea, and navigation. They can symbolize a sense of adventure or a longing for exploration.
- The adjective “silvery” adds a layer of ethereal beauty, suggesting something pure, graceful, or even otherworldly.
- “Brazen crow”:
- Crows are complex symbols. They can represent intelligence, transformation, and sometimes darker themes like mystery or the subconscious12.
- The word “brazen” implies boldness or audacity, suggesting that the crow in this dream is fearless and perhaps challenging the dreamer to confront something significant.
나는 은빛 갈매기와
배짱좋은 까마귀와 꿈꾼다
아름다운 것들을
나는 알지도 모른다
Tranquility walks with me
And no care
o, the quiet ecstasy
Like a prayer
평온은 나와 걷고
어떠한 걱정도 없으며
오, 조용한 환희는
기도와 같구나
I find a star-lovely art
In a dark sod
Joy that is timeless! O heart
That knows God !
나는 별스러운 사랑의 예술을
어두운 흙에서 찾는다
시간의 제약없는 기쁨이여,
하나님을 아는 심장이여 !
I turn the lea=green down
Gaily now,
And paint the meadow brown
With my plough
I dream with silvery gull
And brazen crow
A thing that is beautiful
I may know
Tranquility walks with me
And no care
o, the quiet ecstasy
Like a prayer
I find a star-lovely art
In a dark sod
Joy that is timeless! O heart
That knows God !
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