
  • Do we want God to be with us? In truth? Or are we omitting Him in everything we do except for in Name?Saturday, July 16, 202211:55 AM
    자작 2024. 9. 9. 00:30

    Do we want God to be with us? In truth? Or are we omitting Him in everything we do except for in Name?

    Saturday, July 16, 2022

    11:55 AM

    We have long read the play Waiting for Godot.

    In the play the two men wait and wait and wait for Godot to come but he never shows up.


    So likewise have been our long wait for God and His Presence.


    Are we aiming for a world when one day God will actually show up and be with us

    Or are we aiming for a world of peace and of love without God and with all the lack we see towards ideal means?

    Is it enough that we are made more aware of the ideals in life?


    But are we or do we know what are the true ideals of men and women, of children, of education, of human lives?

    Have we discovered them even today and know fully what we are working towards?

    Is it a self achievable goal and dream and ideal?


    Some things we just can't achieve by ourselves. By myself.

    No matter how me I become, without others aiding me or me aiding others, things cannot be?


    God has made Himself heard to us all.

    And He has made it clear that we cannot be whole without Him.

    Do we pay attention to His Calling?


    What do we know about ourselves that we know so well and sufficient enough to say we go this direction we will be in the most optimum condition?

    What do we know about happiness especailly happiness for all even today that we pursue it with effectiveness and alacrity and alertness?


    We know nothing about ourselves.

    Or precious little.


    Tne main roots for all human progress seems to have come from the West where Christianity is the top virtue and the presiding virtue and to this day it continues.

    There is no saying and spokesmen that goes against what they have been fighting for in centuries of time.




    Are we as a human race going the right direction?


    Are the right women's voices being heard over all

    And are the right men's voices being heard over all

    Or are they being silenced under the names that have grown stale and old in our opinions and in the passage of time and  passing of era.


    What is the right thing and what are the right mixes for you, me and all and each person in this world?


    God proclaims that He is Almighty and Omniscient.



    Maybe we should include Him more in our lives, in our judgements and in our policies and ask Him.

    Rather than just think him a list of commands to be obeyed.




    You Gin Chung.


    It is to be sought in this world. This goal that you speak. Must be home to do this work so stay and be. God.



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