the long hardships that accomplish영어 2024. 4. 10. 18:12
the lonely struggle of a dog that doesn't bark for the love of humans the batch of pups laid and raised all sold and two dead the husband dog that is lame and passed and the sad fate that just was too hard I wish to relieve its hard fate with a piece of meat tasty and nourishing a pat and smile and joy for its seeing and playing the beauty of this calm joyful silent dog that smiles and rejoices ..
Life and studyingSaturday, April 24, 20217:50 PM영어 2024. 4. 8. 14:18
Life and studying Saturday, April 24, 2021 7:50 PM Life is about living and breathing. Breathing, carrying on some sort of relationship with others, and maintaining a lifestyle of your living days. Within the budget that you have, within the circle of your close relationships, within the knowledge that you have, You act, you eat, you do things and you survive day to day. (within the means that y..
Studying may be receiving ideas and giving back and then get feedback and receive more ideas영어 2024. 4. 6. 15:36
when you study you have to get input and when you share your findings or thoughts with someone else you learn as well by explicating your ideas to others then there is feedback ask for feedbacks and note for feedbacks then you learn again
Essentials of Sociology HenslinFriday, March 29, 202410:48 PM영어 2024. 3. 30. 13:06
Essentials of Sociology Henslin Friday, March 29, 2024 10:48 PM Consequences of Animal Domestication and Plant Cultivation Animal husbandry, Plant cultivation -> more dependable food supply -> food surplus -> larger human groups -> division of labor -> trade -> accumulation of objects -> -> feuds and wars -> -> slavery ->social inequalities as some people accumulate more -> inherited wealth -> c..