
  • 제 8장 교수님께 드리는 편지
    자작 2024. 11. 26. 17:09

     8 교수님께 드리는 편지

    Saturday, October 19, 2024

    5:14 AM

    유학 입시 원서를 위해 페이퍼를  때가 되었다.

    페이퍼를 쓰기전에 추천서의 건도 착수해야 했다.

    추천서를 누구에게 부탁드릴까 고민하던   분을 선정하여 상담을 요청하기로 했다.


      c. 교수님께 상담 요청을 했다.

     분은 왠지  전화를 받고서 반가워하시는  했다.


    정해진 시간에 까만 코트 하나 걸치고

    학교의 가까운 과자점에서 티백 케이스를 하나 사들고

     c. 교수님을 찾아 뵈었다.


    긴장이 많이 되었다.


    연구실 문을 노크하니

    들어오세요 라는 목소리가 들린다.


    안녕하세요. 하고  문을 열고 인사를 드린다.


    소파에 앉았다.

    유학을 가게   같다고 말씀을 드리면서

    이민가게  사정을 말씀드렸다.


     분은 나를 이렇게 보시더니 말씀하신다.

    사서학을 공부하는 것이 어때.

    직업 구하기가 차라리 용이할텐데.


    나는 오랫동안 마음에 담아놓았던 얘길 드렸다.

    영문학을 공부하고 싶어요.

    영어로 글을 쓰는 작가가 되는 것이 꿈입니다.

    그리고는 지금 원서 제출을 위해 영어로 페이퍼를 쓰고 있다고 말씀드렸다.


    그래?  분은 또다시 나를 이렇게 보시더니

     모르는 일이지 안그래? 하시면서

    페이퍼를  다음에 나한테 보여주면 내가 부탁하는 추천서를 생각해보지 하신다.


    페이퍼를 가져올께요,  약속드린다.


    나는 내가 사온 티백 케이스를 어떻게 드릴까 고민하다

    소파에 그냥 조용히 발견하실  있게 놔둔 채로 나오려 했다.


    페이퍼 들고 찾아뵐께요 인사드리며


    교수님께서 뒤에서

     놔두고 간다 하신다.


    차에요. 나는 뒤돌아보지 않고 나서며 말씀드린다.


     순간에   분의 고요한 말투가 나의 깊은 심정을  것을 느꼈다.


    그리고 나는  순간을 잊을   없다.



     마음을 걸고.


    It was time to write a paper for the admissions.

    I had the recommendations to tend to in advance though.

    I worried over who to see for the recommendations and finally came up with three professors to ask for them.


    I asked for a counselling session to professor young c.

    To my surprise, she seemed rather happy.


    At the designated time, with a black long coat on

    And with a tea bag case bought from a cakehouse near the university in a bag

    I went to see professor young c.


    I was nervous. 


    I knocked on her office door

    And I let myself in at the welcoming, come in. from the voice inside.


    Good afternoon. I said.


    I sat on the sofa.

    I proceeded to tell her that I will be going to study abroad and that our family is immigrating.


    She took a long look at me and said

    How about studying to become a librarian?

    It would be easier to get a job, she said.


    I proceeded to tell her what was long on my heart.

    I want to study english literature, professor.

    I have a dream.

    I want to be a writer in english.

    I also added that I am presently working on a paper in English for the admissions.


    True? She takes another long hard look at me.

    You never know, right?

    Tell you what. If you show me the finished paper then I will consider writing you a recommendation.


    I will bring the paper, I promise.



    I fall into a small anxiety over how to give her the tea bag case then decide to leave in on the sofa so she could just come upon it by accident.


    I will come to see you with the paper, I say and I leave.


    Then I hear her voice, you left something behind.


    It's tea. I say.

    And I head out without turning.


    And I knew my heart struck then deep.

    I still don't forget the way she spoke out that moment.

    Even now.

    Just like the professor young c. herself.

    Not for the sake of me.

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