전체 글
오늘 seaford library에서 북세일을 해 다녀왔습니다. 좋은 아카시아 작은 상 하나와 존 스타인백의 에덴의 동쪽을 건졌네요....서문이 숨막힙니다....자작 2024. 5. 19. 06:27
"Pascal Covici Dear Pat,you came upon me carving some kind of little figure out of wood and you said, why don't you make something for me?I asked you what you wanted and you said, a box.what for?to put things in.what things?whatever you have, you said.well, here's your box. Nearly everything I have is in it, and it is not full.Pain and excitement are in it, and feelling good or bad and evil thou..
Being considerate sometimes require excessiveness I feel.자작 2024. 5. 17. 16:41
Sometimes for being considerate to take effect one must go out of one's wayor it becomes a lukewarm effect that doesn't solve anything or does anything in particular. How excessive?You think completely for the person and based on your plausible experience leaving alone what needs to be learned for oneselfbut removing unsavory hindrances that can deter or circumvent that person's efforts towards ..
My resolve to show writing as it develops and takes place in me....자작 2024. 5. 17. 16:34
I have set to start a short story or a noveland I come to face another view that is contrary to what I felt i needed to do with my own philosophy engendering.the view is that it is impolite and not manners to present an unfinished unpolished work to the readers.One could share some in-making stories upon presentation of the complete work.So I am weighing things out. I like to share the process b..
My take on school bullying as a victim자작 2024. 5. 17. 16:22
I have come a long way as a victim of high school bullying.However, my experience makes me see that had I not been led to overcome its trauma by overcoming my character flaw then the no matter how much sympathy I got, it wouldn't have helped me at all.There are those who get unfairly treated by their peers but I do say that it is not totally the peers' fault and responsibility only.The bullying ..
If I could only Not B LaZy. the story of a girl's recovery to work and find life.자작 2024. 5. 11. 10:01
Lass is a black girl of 15. She suffered depression after losing her boyfriend to death.She refuses to work. She just lies down and mopes all day.One day she hears a voice in her head.It's her boyfriend.
게으르지 앓을 수 있다면 1자작 2024. 5. 11. 09:54
도나를 과외하는 것이 마지막 시도였다.역시 정확하게 1개월 반 만에 또 과외가 끊겼다.도해나는 자신의 인생에 눈꼽만큼도 미련이 없었다.도무지 잘하는 것이 있을리 없는 이 여인은 불행하지 않은 결혼은 했으나그 인생은 참으로 불행했다.시부모는 아들을 더이상 보러 오지도 않는다.아이도 못낳졔. 직장도 못 구하쟤결혼은 왜 했노 라고 얄궃게 아들을 질타하는 시부모님을 그녀는 웃으며 전송해드린지가 이제 2년도 더 지났다.그래도 남편은 참 다정했다.힘내라고 북돋아주고 일은 하지 않아도 되니 취미생활이라도 해보라고 매월 5만원돈을 쥐어준다.