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brief torrents of rain at nightfall자작 2024. 6. 15. 12:01
evening chicken house rounds after a comforting sleep in the afternoon after a talk session with dad sleepily I head down to the living roombut rain suddenly drops from sky dad and I waitbut rain shows no sign of stopping we head outchange to bootsthen trudge to the houses in the rain
writing poetry on self reliance자작 2024. 6. 13. 03:34
I rely on myself less than when I was in school my lack of self alliance has seen tumults of lonely years Self dalliance from indulging myself has sometimes seen light Self detection self perception self needs make me move and act and think thus I rely on me and my perception to figure out the world not self rely on me to fill all those needs I perceive in me and the world.
[나도 문학 공부를 합니다 2] 주교재 Literature by DiYanni : Reading and writing about LiteratureSaturday, June 1, 202410:49 PMliterature 배우기 2024. 6. 2. 12:00
[나도 문학 공부를 합니다 2] 주교재 Literature by DiYanni : Reading and writing about LiteratureSaturday, June 1, 202410:49 PMWe read literature for pleasure. We read literature out of duty. But usually pleasure and duty go hand in hand. We write about literature to improve our writing ability, to understand what we read as students, book reviewers, scholars or teachers 문학을 한다는 것은 문학을 읽고 문학에 관해 쓰기도 한다는 뜻이 ..
[제가 글쓰기를 배웁니다 Learning to write 2 ] Saturday, June 1, 20248:49 PM 주제 선정하기writing 배우기 2024. 6. 2. 11:46
[Learning to write 2] 교제 Little Brown compact handbook by Jane E AaronSaturday, June 1, 20248:49 PM Subject주제 선정하기 It should be suitable for the purpose of your writing. It should be neither too general nor too limited for the assigned deadline and length What's wanted from you? For whom are you writing? What kind of research is required? Does the subject need to be narrowed? 학교 What does your..
[나도 문학 공부를 합니다 1] 주교재: Literature by Robert DiYanniliterature 배우기 2024. 6. 1. 12:08
Three aspects of literary response readingthe experience of literature - our impressions of a work (esp. our subjective experience or responses and emotional experience in reading a text) interpretationthe interpretation of literature - thinking intellectually and analytically about our experience of reading and the text - both our experience, emotions and the text itself Criticismthe evaluatio..
[제가 글쓰기를 배웁니다. Learning to write 1] Friday, May 31, 20241:26 PMwriting 배우기 2024. 6. 1. 02:38
Learning to write 1교재. The Little Brown Handbook by Jane E. AaronFriday, May 31, 20241:26 PMAny writing you do for others in a context Both limits and clarifies You are communicating something about a particular subject to a particular audience of readers for a specific reason. Requirements GenreLengthDeadlineA certain formatA certain medium Might require research 누군가를 대상으로 글을 쓴다는 것에 대해 공부해봅니다. ..
eminem's music on the back ground. 글쓰기의 공부 시작. Assessing the writing situation. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook by Jane E. Aaron 주교재.자작 2024. 6. 1. 02:01
"Writing involves creation, and creation requires freedom, experimentation and even missteps."현실에서 글 쓸 재료를 찾는 것은매일마다의 일기로 시작하는 것이 제일 접근이 용이할 것 같습니다.상상을 하더라도 어느정도는 현실에 부합되는 면이 있어야읽는 사람이 같이 상상을 할 수 있을 겁니다.그렇기에 생활이라든지 관찰한 것을 글로 묘사해보는 연습을 해보시는 것을 추천 드립니다.