
  • 제 3 장 교수님께 드리는 편지Friday, August 2, 202411:57 AM
    자작 2024. 8. 12. 07:26

    3 교수님께 드리는 편지

    Friday, August 2, 2024

    11:57 AM

    교수님의 성함은 이었다.

    외자. . 성은 단순히 c.


    나는 분의 수업을 듣고 분에게 반하게 되었다.

    수업은 당찼고 내용이 정확하고 풍부했으며

    교수님의 학식과 재치가 드러났다.


    학생들은 그리 많진 않았지만 그리 적지도 않았다.


    course 개요를 말씀하시는데

    , 코란 까지 직접 읽어보게 된다는 것이 의미깊게 여겨졌다.

    성서의 일부분

    그리스의 비극 오이디푸스왕

    아우구스투스의 참회록

    다양한 text 목록에 환희에 젖었다.


    분은 노련한 분이셨다.

    학생들을 일일히 간파하셨고

    학생 특징 있는 아이들은 꿰고 계신 했다.

    그리고 학생들을 사랑하시는 것이 항상 느껴졌다.


    분은 내가 불어교육과 라는 것을 아시고는

    곧잘 시키기도 하셨다.

    진도를 나가다 읽을 곳이 있으면

    불어교육과 정유진 하시며

    읽어보라 때가 종종 있었다.


    때마다 교수님의 대사를 읊으시는 모습

    벤치에서 연기하시는 품새를

    떠올리곤 했다.



    The professor's name was Young.

    And her last name, a simple c.


    I fell in love with this professor

    Whose vast knowledge and wit was evident in her lectures.

    Her manner was bold and vivacious,

    Her teaching, exact and contents, of a variety.


    There weren't many students but there weren't so few either.


    She discussed the course syllabus

    And I was in a delight.

    We were even reading some Koran, a text you don't readily get in touch with.

    We were also reading some bible,

    A greek tragedy Oedipus Rex,

    Some of Confessions by Augustus and more.

    I was in ecstasy at the list of texts we were to read during the course of the semester.


    She was a thorough sage who knew what makes a good professor.

    She noted each and every student in her class

    And those that stood out to her she noted their progress as well.

    I always could feel her deep love and affection towards all her students.


    She recognized me and came upon the fact that I was a French Education major.

    She would call on me to read a part every now and then

    As the course would proceed.


    Every time I would be reminded of the scene I witnessed.

    Her reciting the Hamlet lines and the acting gestures she had demonstrated on that bench that autumn day.

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